Why You Want A Professional Wedding DJ Who Uses Subwoofers
The best wedding DJs will bring at least one subwoofer to your wedding. Imagine that, a rank amateur wedding DJ being hired to be your wedding DJ. How about we don't imagine that! Yikes. Modern brides and grooms need to know that all wedding DJs are NOT created equal. Amateurs are all over! They try to cut corners by not only cutting prices, but they also tend to purchase some of the most low-end equipment. They go all out and try to steal clientele from my high-end DJ company too. These rank amateurs will put together an amateurish DJ gig that consists of cheap, plastic Chinese speakers and a super cheap controller with a laptop. They'll try to book gigs through Craigslist or those cheesy "quote driven" websites that try to bring the cost down of everything. They'll amass this super cheap rig and attempt to load it into their tiny clunker Honda hatchback. No offense to Honda owners! They are super reliable and I used to have a 1985 Honda CRX (during my lean college years), but you would never be able to load a professional DJ rig into a car of that size.
I Am A Proud Audiophile
Would you believe that some wedding DJs don't even know what an audiophile is? In case you might not know what an audiophile is, check out the definition down below.
"a person who is enthusiastic about high fidelity audio production. (Merriam Webster) Someone who is just plain picky about how the sound is in their sound system." Yes, this is me. :) I believe that I became an audiophile after being exposed to the confines of a production room during my years as a radio DJ. My ear is super sensitive to bad audio. Having an ear that can easily detect bad audio is an excellent quality to have when setting up at a wedding venue to perform as a professional wedding DJ. It's funny. The inspiration for this post actually came while I was attending one of my body pump classes. The room where we hold the group fitness classes is very large. While there are speakers that extend from the ceiling, the room is so large that a subwoofer is needed to enhance the sound quality for people taking the class. You'll want to read on to find out why a subwoofer is needed at your wedding. And one more thing, I am so picky about how music sou
Subwoofers DO NOT Make The Sound Louder. They Make It Better.
There is a common misconception that subwoofers make sound louder. This is not true. While the speakers that professional wedding DJs purchase have built-in subwoofers, those subs only go so far and don't really do justice to music in large venues. Professional wedding DJs will employ high end speakers which will provide the high frequency sound to you and your guests. A subwoofer will provide you and your guests the low end frequencies of the music that a DJ plays. When you combine these two integral parts of a DJ rig together, you've got an incredible sound. There are not too many weddings that I have performed at where a bride or groom or a guest has come up to my table and complimented me on the quality of the sound coming out of my speakers.
Why Do Most Wedding DJs Leave Subwoofers At Home?
When I first formed my professional wedding DJ company, I was bound and determined to have one of the best sounding systems in my wedding market. If you know what you are doing, you won't break the bank when you piece together a wedding DJ rig. But, as I mentioned up above, you have so many amateur wedding DJ bursting onto the scene doing their best to steal business away from seasoned professionals like myself. Those particular wedding DJs don't have a clue about what good sound is supposed to be like. They are still booking bar gigs for $250.00. The answer to why most wedding DJs leave subwoofers at home is the sheer cost. They don't have the resources to properly put together a sound system. They'll continuously try to cut corners by employing only the "tops" (just pseakers) at your wedding. They'll shy away from spending an additional $3,000 - $4,000 for a pair of subwoofers. I'll be the first one to tell you that most wedding setups only require one 18 inch subwoofer, but there are some rare instances where a second 18 inch subwoofer would help fill a larger venue with the best sound even more.
Meghan Trainor Was Right. Good sound really is "All About That Bass"
Come on! You just knew that since this was a post about bass that I had to find a way to incorporate this instant classic from 2014 by Meghan Trainor. :) 2014 seems like such a long time ago! It doesn't get any easier than this. In order to have the best sound quality for you and your guests at a wedding, a subwoofer must be present. But unlike Meghan's lyrics where she says "no treble", you need both treble and bass to make the perfect sound for your wedding venue. Only the best wedding DJs are going to be this enthusisastic about sound. As I mentioned up above, I was determined to put together the best sound system possible for my clients. As a savvy business owner, I know that it takes money to make money. When I set out to put together my sound system, money was furthest from my mind. I knew that my clients demanded the best sound for their events, and so far I have yet to disappoint them. "All About That Bass" is definitely a song to be placed into the recurrent category. For more information about What A Recurrent Song Is For Your Wedding Playlist <----Click HERE.
Photo Credit: ETOnline
Avoid Bad Sound At Your Wedding. Hire A Professional Wedding DJ.
So now that you know what your wedding DJ should be bringing to your wedding and what your wedding should like, how do you make sure you get the best sound at your wedding? Well, for one you don't just hire the first wedding DJ who comes to you with the lowest price. While you don't need to become an expert in sound, you should be asking a few questions to your wedding DJ about their equipment. Ask your prospective wedding DJ what kinds of speakers they have and how they intend on creating the best sound possible for your wedding day. Professional wedding DJs will share this information very freely without any hesitation at all. For more information about Why You Should Meet Your Wedding DJ Before Your Big Day, <----CLICK HERE
Want To Hire DJ Mike Bills And His Powerful Sound System For Your Wedding?
Thank you for making it all the way to the end of this post. Being a professional wedding DJ is a craft that I take very seriously. Part of that craft is making sure I provide the best sound for my clients. Providing the best sound is an integral part of being a top wedding DJ, just like having a great voice on the microphone and playing the best mix of music for your guests. Congratulations on your engagement! I would love to speak with you about your wedding plans. One of the things that I absolutely love to do is speak to brides and grooms about their musical tastes. When we sit down and talk, I'll begin to ask you what exactly your musical vision is going to be for your wedding day. We'll continue that conversation off and on through email and in person all the way up to your wedding day. I love what I do! If this is the first time you are visiting my website, I invite you click over to other sections of my blog. Over the years, my wedding DJ blog has become one of the most popular blogs on Google. My blog is brimming with some of the most inspiring content for the recently engaged bride and groom seeking the best advice for finding the perfect wedding DJ for their most important day. Feel free to click back over to my blog, and when you are finished, be sure to click the link where it says Contact. When you click Contact, you'll be taken over to my contact form where you'll fill out some basic details and be on your way to getting together and talking music. Thank you so very much for stopping by my little place on the world wide web. I look forward to speaking with you! For more information about why you should hire DJ Mike Bills, click the link down below.
Why You Should Hire A Wedding DJ Who Performs At ONE Wedding Per Day.