The Right DJ For Your Wedding 7 | The Selection Process
The thought that anyone can copy a bunch of low bit rate MP3 files or ITunes files to a laptop hook them up to a mixer and speakers is taking the Charleston, SC area by storm. Professional wedding DJs are going to purchase professional grade equipment and make a significant investment; there just isn’t any way around that. Every time I hit the internet, there is this new company bursting onto the scene making an attempt to divide an increasingly tight market share here in one of the biggest wedding cities in the world. My blog series continues today in Part 7 and describes some of the ways you can really size up your DJ selection process and choose the right one for your wedding ceremony and reception.
Reviews In the world of Yelp and Google, it’s always best to hire a DJ with a large amount of reviews. Reviews speak for themselves. Look for plentiful great reviews when sifting through the many DJs in town.
Venue Recommendation
Upon the booking of their wedding venue, the venue managers often rattle off company names to choose. While this is often helpful, it doesn’t guarantee the DJ will not ruin your wedding. Some DJs just seem to perform at wedding venues more often than others. Simply put, a true professional wedding DJ will always take the time for peace of mind to visit any venue they have not been to for logistical purposes. So, just because a DJ says they have not DJ’ed at a particular wedding venue, don’t be alarmed.
Flashy videos don’t hide the fact that the DJ could have been an hour late to a wedding, double-booked for your wedding day and sent an inexperience DJ in their playlist, or played music on your DO NOT PLAY list.
Meeting Your DJ
Meeting your DJ is an excellent idea, and I am a huge proponent of it, but to think you are doing so to see if their personality matches yours is not the right reason to do so. A true professional wedding DJ is not hired to socialize with the bride and groom during the wedding. He or she is hired to execute the soundtrack for the day, ranging from the wedding ceremony to the wedding reception. Once again, while I am a huge proponent of meeting your DJ, but there are DJs who are pushy and push to meet their DJ for the sole purpose of the sales pitch. Look for the conclusion of this blog series coming up later this week as we get ready for engagement season here in Charleston.
Like what you have been about hiring the wrong DJ? Schedule a consultation today by clicking this link Contact Mike