Ep. 2 The Mike Bills Podcast | Charleston Bride Meets With Wedding DJ And More
Time is flying so fast. It's hard to believe we've already the release of the second episode of The Mike Bills Podcast. Available at Apple Podcasts and Google Play, as well as TuneIn and Spotify, this podcast is the perfect companion for the modern bride and groom searching for higher end wedding entertainment for their Charleston wedding in the coming years. I really appreciate all the compliments thus far. I have thoroughly enjoyed putting this project together for you and I hope it will steer you in the right direction of choosing your wedding DJ. Putting together a professionally-produced podcast is not for the faint of heart. It can be a bit grueling and time consuming, but when I see the end product, it is so very worth it. With only about 3 weeks to go until the beginning of the holidays, proposal season will be in full swing and it's my expectation that this podcast will continue to grow and become the perfect companion for modern bride and groom needing serious advice as to how to hire their Charleston wedding DJ.
Charleston Bride Questions & Answer Session With A Wedding DJ
As we approach 2020, the modern bride and groom have at their fingertips a wealth of information about how to plan their Charleston wedding. From industry-leading listing websites like The Knot & Weddingwire to national blogs like Wedding Chicks and regional blogs like The Wedding Row, there is no shortage to "how-to's" and "real weddings" and other great information to get you started on planning a wonderful day here in Charleston. With a little bit of time, you can quickly educate yourself about how to find the best wedding DJ for you. Lauren and her fiancee are planning their wedding in Charleston for the summer of 2020 and during the first part of Episode 2 of The Mike Bills Podcast, you'll hear some of her questions. You'll get a gauge of what types of questions you need to ask your DJ when it comes to scheduling a meeting with them, whether that be over the phone / Skype / or in person. Most of the time when couples meet with their wedding DJ they don't know which questions to ask. This is completely understandable as you have never hired a wedding DJ before. You'll find that Lauren comes to a meeting with Mike with some most excellent questions that show she and her fiancee have done their homework on hiring a wedding DJ.
Hottest Songs Of 2019 And Recurrent Songs
In the second segment of Episode 2, Mike discusses some of the biggest hits of 2019 and explains what exactly a "recurrent" song is. Mike describes how very few modern Top 40 and urban songs make it to future wedding seasons. He also goes into some of the biggest recurrent songs that are still in heavy rotation at Charleston weddings. Recurrent songs are "hits" that have entered the charts, they have peaked, and fallen back out of the charts. However, these songs have made a big enough impact that radio still puts them into programming. The same applies to music being played by DJs at weddings, Learn more in Episode 2. You can learn about some of the top recurrent songs in this post.
Photo Credit: Cindy Ord / Getty Images
Venue Spotlight On Merchants Hall
While the podcast is still a work in progress, Mike will feature one wonderful Charleston wedding venue every month during one of his podcasts. This month, he discusses one of the newest wedding venues located on the historic downtown market on the peninsula. Merchants Hall opened back in the spring of 2018 and has quickly become one of the most popular wedding venues. For more information about Merchants Hall, check out this featured post from earlier that goes into even more detail about this exquisite new wedding venue.
Photo Credit: Merchants Hall
Heard The Podcast And Want To Meet Mike About Being Your Wedding DJ?
Thank you so very much for listening to this podcast. Please check out back each and every Friday wherever you get your podcasts for a fresh episode. I have LOTS more to talk to about. I hope as you begin planning your wedding you'll come along for the ride with this podcast. Between now and the end of the year, there will be LOTS of very valuable information for the bride and groom who just got engaged. If you just got engaged, congratulations! Be sure to read this post about Why You Should Hire Me as you search for the ideal DJ for you. If you'd like to set up a time to speak with Mike, click HERE to tell me a little more about your big day. I love to speak with engaged couples about their music.