6th Couples Choice Award For Being One Of The Best Charleston Wedding DJs
Happy New Year! I know I'm a little late on that, but the first few weeks of 2019 have been rather busy. You know I've got great feelings and vibes about 2019 turning into an amazing year for Mike Bills Entertainment. 2018 was a year of exceptional growth for my company online with a bit of a website refresh back in the fall, as well as tons of new content and blogs published for the modern Charleston bride. As we get 2019 underway, it's always a beautiful feeling to open up your email and realize that you've once again been awarded the Couple's Choice Award from Weddingwire. Weddingwire has been an excellent marketing tool for my company for many years and has put me in contact with so many modern brides and grooms looking for some of the best wedding vendors that Charleston has to offer. As one of the best Charleston wedding DJs, it is humbling to win this award for the 6th straight year. Having this award bestowed upon me for the 6th consecutive year is a reminder of my undying determination and focus to providing stellar customer service. Read on to learn about how I'll go 7 for 7.
And so it begins, the campaign to go for a 7th Consecutive Couple's Choice Award from Weddingwire. The quest for another award has begun like all the others, but it's the start of a new year and new Charleston wedding season shortly calls for a moment of reflection over the past year. It's important for me to look back at all my weddings and see where I could have done better. Even if a couple has written a 5 star review for my service, I ask myself the question, how could I possibly provide my services so the couple would want to write a 6 star review for me. In creating my brand over the past several years, my formula has been simple. I should always be presenting myself as a consummate professional and provide my clients with the best level of service possible.
How Does One Conduct Themselves As A Consummate Professional?
My last blog post of 2018 was quite a doozy. If you are just finding me for the first time, you should check it out. The Complete Guide To Finding The Best Charleston Wedding DJ has become a rather popular post since it was published. It features a great overview in what you should be doing to make sure you not only secure the best wedding DJ, but the best DJ for you as a couple. Professionally designed website. Professional equipment. Professional demeanor. Excellent Reviews. These are all ways that I will continue to shine as I take on new clients this year and beyond. The goal of my image online has always been to be a higher-end Charleston Wedding DJ. Higher end doesn't necessarily mean "higher price", but also an above average level of service.
Establishment As A Thought Leader Inside The Charleston Wedding Industry
You know when I was in school, I never thought of myself as much of a writer. I knew enough to be dangerous and I probably knew in my mind how to express myself, but those thoughts never managed to hit the paper, or in today's case; my keyboard and computer screen. This blog you are reading right now is the result of thousands (and I do mean thousands of hours) of hours of labor. Based on my very early experience as a Charleston wedding DJ in the early 2000s, I knew what I did not want Mike Bills Entertainment to become. I did not want Mike Bills Entertainment to become "just another DJ company". I wanted to provide my clients with an experience. I wanted to show my clients and the rest of the wedding industry that there are wedding DJs in Charleston who do strive to conduct themselves as true professionals. This blog has exploded into one of the top wedding DJ blogs on the internet, thus establishing myself as a "thought leader" in the industry.
What Exactly Is A "Thought Leader"?
A "thought leader" can be thought of as a true professional who is an expert in their field, and one that provides a wealth of helpful and useful information, as it relates to their particular profession. Do I consider myself the best? No, I would like to think I am one of the best DJs in Charleston, but I think we all can improve upon our craft, even if we have played at 1,000 weddings. I'd like to think that I am one of the best based on my track record, and what I know I will provide my future clients. All the published posts you see on my blog are based on tried and true results from my experiences over the years. As I continued to become more and more successful as a wedding DJ here in Charleston, I felt inspired to share that knowledge and experience with my current and future clients.
Developing A Standard To Provide A Higher Level Of DJ Service
Being a thought leader in the wedding DJ industry has allowed me to create a standard as to how I will conduct myself. That standard is a methodical approach with each one of my couples. It takes a certain finesse to work with brides and grooms and to be a successful wedding DJ. It also takes a high degree of professionalism to accomplish what I've been able to as a wedding DJ in Charleston, and I look forward to many more years of filling dance floors in the Holy City.
Enough With Patting Myself On The Back, Time To Get To Work!
As I mentioned up above, the quest for a seventh consecutive Couple's Choice Award has begun now. I'm very much looking forward to providing my 2019 clients with an exceptional wedding DJ experience. In the days and weeks leading up to the start of the spring wedding season here in Charleston, I'll be meeting with couples as we begin to cross the T's and dot the I's for their very special days in Charleston.
Want To Talk To Mike About Being Your Wedding DJ?
Oh! just one more thing! Check out this post for more information about the Mike Bills Entertainment Brand. You know January and February are very heavy traffic months to the website as we've just gotten over the Christmas holidays, and are still in the midst of engagement season through Valentine's Day. Thank you for making it to the end of this post. This year will be pretty much the same as previous years when it comes to providing the most fresh content on my website. Feel free to get lost in my musical world by looking over my blog. I have created it just for YOU. My writing skills have increased 100 fold since I began publishing this blog. And once again, those skills were improved just for YOU. When you are as passionate about a topic as I am, the words have a tendency to flow even easier. Enjoy this blog, and if you like what you see and want to set up a time to talk to me, click here to check out my availability for your big day in Charleston.